Colorize, updated 13.10.2022 - no more updates planned
I enjoy colorizing old black and white pictures as a relaxing hobby these days. Here are some of my results using an iPad Pro, Affinity Photo, and the Apple Pencil.
There is no need anymore to do this by hand other that you enjoy this teadious work to colorize a picture. AI does the job within seconds on one click with stunning results! is a cost free online website without any registration required.
Marga von Etzdorf with Hugo Junkers and a model of the Junkers A50 Junior which Marga von Etzdorf flew from Berlin to Tokio in 1931. Marga von Etzdorf was the first female pilot employed by Lufthansa.
Picture courtesy of Hugo Junkers Werke GmbH

Junghans Terrassenbau Taschenuhrmontage, 1920er
Picture courtesey of Junghans Uhrenfabrik Junghans GmbH & Co.KG

Junghans Grossuhrmontage, 1920er
Picture courtesey of Junghans Uhrenfabrik Junghans GmbH & Co.KG
Walter Mittelholzer mit Flugpassagieren vor einer Junkers F 13 der Ad Astra Aero AG in Dübendorf
V.l.n.r.: unbekannt, Rudolf Streuli, W. K. Mocesson?, R. Maurer, W. K. Streuli und Walter Mittelholzer

Ken Wallis testing a version of his WA.116 gyroplane during the early 1960s for the British military.
Pitcairn PA-18 Autogiro, Jean Harlow & Tito Falconi, Southern California, 1933. Photo by Wayne "Dick" Whittington.
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An acrobat (possibly Marilyn Rich) dangles from a hovering Bell 47B helicopter (r/n NC102B) during a demonstration at the the National Air Races, Cleveland, Ohio.

Junkers Flugzeugwerke AG, ca. 1919, Folks standing on a F13 wing.
Original picture from the ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv / Fotograf: Unbekannt
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