Junghans people, updated 14.06.2023
Biographical and occupational data
Erhard (I) Junghans
* 01. Januar 1823, + 09. September 1870, company founder
Arthur (I) Junghans
1852 - 1920, son of Erhard (I) Junghans
1872 - 1874 America work stay
From 1875 technical management
more than 200 patents on his name
Erhard (II) Junghans
1849 - 1923, son of Erhard (I) Junghans
From 1875 until 1897 administration
Erwin Junghans
1875 - 1944, son of Arthur (I) Junghans
From 1897 administration
Oskar Junghans
1876 - 1927, son of Arthur (I) Junghans
From 1903 technical management
From 1909 also chairman
Arthur (II) Junghans
1903 - 1998, son of Erwin Junghans
Josef Drobzinski
* 22. November 1882
Joined 1904 and was appointed with the pocket watch manufacturing.
Moritz Sandoz
from Le Locle, Switzerland was the machining engineer for the pocket watch production, 15. Sep. 1907 until 30. Sep. 1910
Friedrich Emmel
* 2. May 1887, + 20. February 1962
Design engineer from 1st. April 1928, appointed with pocket watch manufacturing and establishing a company training school.
Deutsche Uhrmacher-Zeitung
Nr. 49/50, 1942, page 242
Zeittafel der Entstehung und Entwicklung der Uhrenfabriken Gebrüder Junghans AG. in Schramberg vom Jahre 1859 an.
From his correspondence.
Hans Schlenker
* 1906, + 1984
Design engineer from 1945, specialist for timing watches, J28, also W267 and W701
Patent for a timeing watch, the later J28, already in 1933 #DE597698
Patent for a 1/1000 minute timeing watch in 1963 #US3077729
DGC Mitteilungen Nr. 174 Sommer 2023
A. Vornfett
Deutsche Uhrmacher-Zeitung
Nr. 35, 1938, page 458
Dipl.-Ing. Kurt von Zeppelin
01.01.1930 until September 1972 working for Junghans
also 22 years part of the Junghans management and from January 1962 part of the executive board.
Firma und Familie
Anmerkungen zu 150 Jahren Junghans-Uhren
Horst Poller
Dr. Dr. Horst Poller
3.5.1926 - 2.10.2018
from 1952 until 1964 sales director, authorized signatory of Gebrüder Junghans AG