Colibri kinetic sculpture, updated 21.03.2020 - Helicopters, pocket watches, flight simulation, tools.

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Colibri kinetic sculpture, updated 21.03.2020

Workshop > Projects
Original designed by Derek Hugger

I will build this sculpture by using 3 respectively 4 mm thick poplar plywood. To get the required thickness I will glue the laser cut parts together. A first test was done today, 23.11.2019. The plans by Derek Hugger are in inches and I need to compromise finding matching metric parts or material.

Well, I will use 3 mm plywood. The laser cutting leaves some burn marks on the underside. To reduce finish work one "layer" of the plywood will be lasered inverse to get two unburned outer layers.

Burned and unburned side
Only the 3 mm parts need to be sanded.
11.02.2020 - today I got all the laser cut parts.
All of the 3 mm cut outs are combined in 2, 3 or 4 layers and glued together. All necessary parts are stained and protected with some layers of shellack.
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